Hi, I propose to have the next meeting 03/06/2022. That's Friday 3rd of June 2022. This time we should try to book a room a Lleialtat Santsenca at 18:30 or so. Later on we can go to some restaurant and have dinner as usual. Please all who can, confirm ASAP so that we can see if we have a minimal quorum. This also helps when booking some specific smaller/bigger room I guess. Some ideas of technical topics to look at which were raised in last meeting (feel free to propose/bring your own): * Support reverse-engineering some ring bell intercoms * Play with flashing some mobile phones with postmarketOS and improving documentation and kernel support.

Hi, FYI I already submitted a request to get a room at Lleialtat Sanstensca for 03/06/2022 18:00-21:45. See you there!

Hi, this is a reminder that next meeting is happening this Friday 03/06/2022 at Lleialtat Santsensca [1], room A1, 18:00-21:45. [1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/264735742#map=17/41.37187/2.13768 See you then, Pau
participants (1)
Pau Espin Pedrol